by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ |
If you've written numerous articles, you can use them to further promote yourself and your business, e-zine or web site. You can re-use your old articles by transforming them into another form of promotional tool. And one way to re-use them is by turning them into e-mail courses. By doing so, you'll be able to offer a new product that will help you establish your credibility as a business owner, e-zine publisher or web site owner. Even though you'll make use of old articles, you won't be offering a re-hash. Why? Because once you transform your old articles and gather them together to form an e-mail course, you add a more focused learning dimension to them. For this, you're able to create a new and effective marketing tool. So how do you do it? In a nutshell: 1. Gather all your articles and find a common theme among them. If you've written a number of articles aimed for beginning online business owners, these articles can make up one e-mail course. Your e-mail course can be a short one (2-4 articles) or a long one (5 or more). 2. When you've identified a common theme, arrange your articles in a way that provides some sort of logic or flow to them. 3. Assign one article as one e-mail module or follow up. If you're using 4 articles, your e-mail course would consist of 4 modules or follow ups. 4. Take a good look at each article. Does it look like you can weave the activities within 'lessons' or will it require you to separate the 'lessons' from the 'assignments' -- information first (your re-written article) and then hands-on activities or tests after? 5. Do your articles use the 'you' voice? If not, re-write as if you're telling your friend a story. Do your articles sound formal? Even though you're 'teaching' something, strive to keep it lighthearted. Be engaging and friendly, but never be too flippant or condescending. 6. Include additional resources at the end of each module or follow up. These resources could be online references and researches, and even more intensive lessons. 7. Proofread. 8. Insert your promotional texts in the beginning, middle or end of each module or follow up. However, don't overdo this. People who will request your e-mail course are going to see through you once they find out that your promotional texts far outweigh the lessons and valuable instructions in your e-mail course. Put value over the content of your e-mail course first and your workshop takers will trust you and believe in your expertise. 9. Put your e-mail course on autoresponder and set the time each module or follow up will be sent. You can use free or fee-based autoresponders. Before you announce your e-mail course, test and re-test it thoroughly. When you're certain everything is fine, go ahead and announce it. About the author: Copyright (c) Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ Shery is the developer of creative, motivating and fun e-mail courses for writers. Sign up and take an e-mail course today -- free! -- at She also authored the e-book that lets you create your own original and profitable E-mail Workshops, eCourses and Tutorials in only 3 days! Visit http://EmailWorkshopsHowTo.comfor more info. |
Turn Your Old Articles Into Profitable E-mail Courses
by: Thom Reece |
No matter what you sell--products, services, or causes--one of the key ingredients to your success will be the attention you give your sales lead follow-up system. Notice that I used the word *system* to describe your follow-up program. It's an important conceptual word. If you do not have a well planned, step-by-step system for lead follow-up you are leaving a lot of profits sitting on the table. It is widely accepted that it takes a minimum of five attempts to close a sale (any sale) before the customer has enough information and confidence to buy from you. If your idea of follow-up is to bounce one autoresponder message back to your on-line inquiry and expect the cash register to ring, you are in for a shocking surprise. You have heard often, and will continue to hear, that internet marketing is based on the building of *relationships* with your potential customers. It's true! Indeed, this is one of the true Power Principles of internet marketing. One of the great benefits of the internet is the ease and cost-effectiveness of relationship building. We must understand that our potential customer is inundated with competing advertising messages from various media--television, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, point- of-purchase, direct mail--and now the internet. All of these marketing methods attempt to build a relationship with its audience in order to make the advertising message credible and believable. Credibility and believability lead naturally to sales. The one media that stands head and shoulders above the competition is the internet. No other vehicle provides the opportunity to connect with your audience in such a timely and intimate way. Using the combination of web sites and email you have the graphical power of television and the intimate targeting of direct mail--without the associated high costs. It's a powerful combination. If you really want to 'Reach Out And Touch Someone', the way to do it is with the real Killer Application of the internet... e-mail. The two most powerful e-mail tools for effective client follow-up are: ==> Your own e-mail newsletter, ezine, discussion list, etc. ==> A programmed system of timed e-mail follow-up messages. Let's look at each one briefly: YOUR OWN E-MAIL NEWSLETTER, EZINE... I can't say enough about what a regular newsletter or ezine will do for your bottom line. By communicating useful information to your clients and prospects on a regular basis you are building a strong bonding relationship with them. Over time, they will begin to see you as a partner in their success. The trust and friendship you have built through your newsletter will translate to added business and increased profits for you. Managing a newsletter or ezine does not have to be expensive or very time consuming. There are several free services that will host your publication and provide an automated subscription process. I just switched one newsletter over to the YahooGroups system for new subscriptions and it seems to work fine. It has eliminated all the hand subscription process and automated it for me, all at no cost. As a leader, you simply must communicate regularly with your downlines... and your product customers. You should give serious consideration to producing your own periodic e-mail newsletter. In doing so, you will be building relationships which will fatten your profits quickly. AUTOMATED E-MAIL FOLLOW-UP: The use of autoresponders to supply immediate and comprehensive information to your prospects is a very powerful use of e-mail technology and, I believe, a good one. But, what do you do after the initial lead response? How do you continue to follow-up at regular intervals? If you deal with very few leads of high quality, it's not a problem to follow-up with custom one-on-one messages and it is imperative that you do so if you expect to convert these leads to sales. If your lead flow runs to big numbers, however, you have a problem. You simply must automate the follow-up process to insure that every prospect inquiry gets properly timed, on-going, information and reasons to buy--a minimum of 5 times. To do less is to waste your lead generation investment. You must maximize this return-on-investment if you are to succeed and the only practical way to do this is with automation. A number of e-mail services provide an autoresponder system (like the one you are reading now) that will send a series of pre-written, timed, follow-up messages to your leads. This is a powerful use of technology. The real power comes, however, when the messages you send are professionally crafted works of benefit laden sales copy. These timed responses can be profit-enhancing selling tools, or downright intrusions. The difference will be the skill with which you use the tool. Fortunately for you, these systems are readily available. For specific recommendations see the MaxxMLM website at: The reward for building an automated follow-up system is always worth the effort. The time you spend nurturing your follow-up program will result in: ==> Increased sales and profits ==> Improved image ==> More sales leads ==> Lower sales costs ==> Shortened selling cycles ==> Improved cash flow ==> Faster Team Building ==> Higher Residual Income ==> Faster Return-On-Investment (ROI) Remember... the profits are in the FOLLOW-UP! About the author: Thom Reece is the CEO and Senior Consultant of On-Line Marketing Group, a Hawaii based direct response marketing consulting firm, and a network marketing coach and trainier. His website, ( is visited daily by thousands of entrepreneurs seeking free ideas, tips, resources, articles and training in professional network marketing. Thom can be reached by email at: ONLINE MARKETING RESOURCE CENTER: |
Kick-Starting E-mail Profits Growth From One Single Shot!
by: Valeriu S Popescu |
- by Valeriu S. Popescu Perhaps the most critical step in guaranteeing the success of your e-mail promotions is to send your messages to a targeted list of opt-in subscribers who have specifically requested to receive information on a particular topic from you. That's your "in-house" email list. Sooner or later, you'll face the same challenge: how to build a list of qualified, targeted prospects from scratch. When it comes to building an e-mail list, online marketers tend to spread on too many options. Offen, they neglect to focus on a single promotion 'til the end and exploit to the fullest potential. Here's an example. Suppose you run a newsletter and have a web page or popup window which invite prospects to subscribe. As a reward for giving their e-mail address, you offer them a bonus. That's fine -- but not enought! You are loosing money simply by leaving empty profit places in your message. Wouldn't be nice to build actually 3 different mailing lists from one "stroke"? Of course! For better understanding, I'll stick with the same newsletter example. So, clear-up your newsletter invitation and insert couple of extra carefully selected phrases. Follow these steps: Step #1 --> Insert a Newsletter Subscription Obviously, this is your primer objective. A new subscriber is a potential new source of profit. It is a common sense to tell people what to expect up front. The more relevant seems your offer to the desired relationship, the better. Step #2 --> Insert a Special Report Be smart: upload your report to an autoresponder. The trick is to provide high-quality content AND an offer that will earn you a profit! You know the rest: the autoresponder send out automatically additional reports and follow-up messages to those who get the initial report. The results: more sales and profits. Step #3 --> Insert an eCourse Each lesson of the eCourse provides at least one offer (and usually multiple offers) for the reader to consider. Many buy, some don't. But it's another automated profit system. Step #4 --> Insert a Mystery Bonus Mystery bonus? Yes! People universally love mystery. Be sure you won't let the prospects know what is all about up until they subscribe. What you need at this point: an ebook that is coded with your own affiliate links! (Psst... invite them to pass it out as an incentive!) The final results: 3 separate lists (from newsletter subscription, special report, and ecourse) and a viral marketing tool (the mystery ebook)! Everything easy to set- up and ready to upload to your web site in less than an hour of work. Not bad! Things to remember BEFORE you implement this e-mail marketing strategy: - be accurate and clear with your messages. - spell out features/benefits/advantages in your offer. - don't go only after e-mail list quantity. Your e-mail list should balance QUALITY with QUANTITY issues. - ALWAYS provide high-quality content. - implement your system ON EVERY PAGE of your web site. - always use professional sequential autoresponders to PERSONALIZE each of your e-mail messages. - test subject lines and messages until you get the highest results. - check your messages to make sure links work properly. - use high quality graphics to first-impress. - NEVER forget to 'THANK YOU' prospects once they give you their e-mail address. - ALWAYS allow prospects to self-remove from your e-mail lists. ***** Attention Ezine Publishers/ Site Owners Feel free to reprint this article is its entirety in your newsletter/ ezine or website as long as you leave all links in place, do not alterate the content and include our resource box as listed above. If you do use the material please send us a note so we can take a look. Thanks! About the author: Valeriu S Popescu is the owner of the Internet Marketing Profits Center, a specialized e-company that helps real Netpreneurs starting a new business online. Find inside the latest cutting-edge strategies about affiliate programs, email marketing, search engine optimization, and more. Visit today -> |
Becoming An Affiliate Marketer
by: J. Elisha Burke |
is an interesting and exciting process. There are so many programs out there for you to promote. You should think seriously before you commit to any one program. Choosing A Program To become an affiliate marketer, you must choose the right affiliate program to market. This can be done by reviewing as much information as possible about the affiliate program you are interested in joining. You can start also by reviewing what other affiliates have to say about the program before you sign up. When choosing to become an affiliate marketer, there are certain things you should be aware of. For example, you should know what percentage of the sale of the affiliate product you will receive. This can range from as low as 10% to 75% of the sales price. Generally, the higher the commission, the better for you. After you have chosen a program you beileve will be profitable to you may elect tohave a website designed to showcase your product in a professional manner. But why, I ask, would you choose to spend the time, effort and money to re-invent the wheel? Many affiliates are now providing a professional sales letter for your use and/or provide a redirect to the sales site. This makes sense for both the seller and provider. Using An Autoresponder Once you have selected an affiliate program, you, yes you must promote your program. It is a good idea to set up an opt-in list and autoresponder from the beginning. There are many, many autoresponders available. Do an online search and comparison to choose the one best for you and the products you promote. Using your autoresponder you can generate of list of names and email addresses of people who have purchased the product from your web site, or a list of people interested in finding more information about the product. You can use this list to send them information about product updates or to send information about new products you are promoting. This is an easy way to advertise, but you must do so legally. SPAM is illegal. Again, do the research and learn the legal way to do your e-mail marketing. Track and Record This is something most new affiliates fail to do when they first start out. It is the simple concept of keeping track of where your traffic is coming from and what areas that you promoted to are generating the most sales. In this way you can see where most of your business is coming from and turn up the heat in those areas to generate more sales. Keeping track of your traffic also will tell you what areas you have promoted to that is not generating any sales or low sales. You can then either abandon these areas if you have tried all promotion methods, or increase promoting there. Do your research - there are some excellent software resources to automate this process. Network With Other Affiliates As an affiliate, especially one who is getting started, it is a great idea to network with another affiliates. This is especially beneficial if the other affiliate is a seasoned veteran of sales. The amount of information that you will learn from them cannot be read within any book. Make us of the online forums, teleconferences, mp3's and provided by seasoned veterans of making money online. With these tips in mind, now is the time to move forward and become the affiliate marketing success story. Copyright 2005 Burke Publications All Rights Reserved About the author: Dr. J. E. Burke, an educator and entrepreneur, has been involved in various business enterprises via his business, Burke Publications for 11 years. Dr. Burke is an educator, writer and motivational speaker on a variety of topics. He is also known for his expertise on nonprofit organizations and grant proposal writing. Dr. Burke can be contacted at http://burkepublications.comor |
by: Luke Goodin |
This FREE information is very valuable to your online success. For further training please subscribe to my training course for a more in depth way of marketing your site by sending a blank email to: Step 1: Get products that sells like hot cakes. If you have a product then go to the next step to see how to market it. If you don’t then find some high commission affiliate programs that do, SO YOU WILL MAKE MONEY. TIP: Never pay to join an affiliate program until you know which ones are money makers. The highest paying ones are at the bottom of this article under the heading AFFILIATE PROGRAMS (Most are free to join). Be careful the internet is full of scams! Step 2: Promote your product or affiliate program. The very first thing you should do is find a reliable email autoresponder. This way you can get subscribers and give instruction messages on how to sign up for your program or you can advertise your products automatically without spending hours sending emails to clients. TIP: There are some excellent FREE autoresponders on the internet or you can use the one in my program which is already COMPLETELY SETUP FOR YOU FREE. Step 3: Get subscribers to you autoresponder, WHY? Because you can’t get sales or downlines on the internet without sending multiple emails to the same client. Now I know your going to be a bit discouraged when I tell you that you need to buy subscribers. I am the first person who LIKES SOMETHING FOR NOTHING but the cost of not doing this is PROFIT. Don’t worry this is the largest cost you will incur for now and after this step I will tell you some amazing advertising techniques that are FREE. Details of where to buy subscribers are listed under the heading. LIST BUILDERS. Step 4: Write an article/s at about your site/s. It doesn’t have to be too long or too professional but Google will increase your sites ranking in the search engine. IMPORTANT You must include the word FREE in the title. EG: I can prove this works! Go to google and type in Deadly Disease Prevention. Click on DEADLY DISEASE PREVENTION, POWERFUL SUPPLEMENTS FREE INFO, it is currently number 2 as of the 09/04/2005. You will find my article. Step 5: Promote your ezine that you have setup in your autoresponder. Now go to google and search for ezine directories. Submit your ezine to at least 50 different directories. This will take you a while but it is a great FREE way to get subscribers. Step 6: Now submit your articles to as many places as you can. Search in google under article submission and try and submit in at least 50 different sites. DON’T PAY ANYONE TO SUBMIT AN ARTICLE. Step 7: Send emails to email groups to advertise your ezine. Find as many groups as you can and send details of how to subscribe to your ezine (TIP: send a sample copy of one edition in the email) to as many as you can starting with the ones below under the name EMAIL GROUPS. You can get up to 700 subscribers per week to your ezine using this method. CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU HAVE SETUP A HUGE MARKETING PROGRAM, ALL OF THIS WILL HAVE TAKEN A WHILE HOWEVER MOST OF IT IS FREE! Step 8: Automate yours sales and follow up emails and watch you inbox get flooded with SALES CONFIRMATIONS. You can do this yourself however I suggest you get it automated or you will be spending ALL of your time sending emails instead of doing the most important thing you should be doing, MARKETING YOUR SITE SO THAT YOUR BUSINESS GROWS. Check out my site that is already fully automated and ready to go. The best part is that your website is SETUP FOR YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE. CHECK IT OUT NOW AT: Thank-you for taking the time in read this article. This FREE information is very valuable to your online success. For further training please subscribe to my training course for a more in depth way of marketing your site by sending a blank email to The information in the steps above that I said I would provide are in the headings below GOOD LUCK. AFFILIATE PROGRAMS Traffic Swarm Join FREE SFI Join FREE Internet marketing centre Join FREE Internet marketing warriors Join FREE LIST BUILDERS SIGNUP TODAY AND LET SOMEONE ELSE DO THE WORK FOR YOU: Or become an affiliate and have your downlines PAY FOR YOUR SUBSCRIBERS at: EMAIL GROUPS OTHER GREAT ADVERTISING SITES THAT MAKE YOU MONEY Free net Leads: Join FREE Toolbar traffic: Join FREE Virtual stampede: Join FREE About the author: My name is Luke Goodin. I am a chef by day and online marketer by night. I believe that the essence of business is the effort invested and the effectiveness of its marketing program. |
Is Email Marketing Still An Effective Option For Network Marketing?
by: Rich Niccolls |
With email filters, blockers, and simply tons of unsolicited email, is email marketing still a viable option to build and grow your network marketing business? The answer to this question, in my opinion is "Yes, but." Let's deal with the "Yes" first, then we'll deal with the "But." I remember about 5 or 6 years ago putting about 400 leads into my autoresponder and enrolling about 8 - 10 people a month into my nutritional program. Today, if you had 10 times that many leads, you may get a couple of prospects, and maybe, maybe, one enrollment. It is true that times have changed, but that doesn't necessarily mean that email marketing is dead. Let's look at a couple of examples. One colleague of mine from California literally cannot keep up with the large number of prospects inquiring about her program. She is signing up 10 - 15 people per month into her program which costs about $1300 to start. Eighty percent of her efforts are wrapped up in email marketing. She has gone through the learning curve and is what I would call, a professional email marketer. How many emails does she send? About 1 million per month. Another colleague of mine from Georgia is enrolling about 30 people per month into his business, a $20 a month, non-nutritional program. He is not highly sophisticated in what he does, but is effective enough to send out about 250,000 - 300,000 emails per month. What is the biggest difference between now and then? Numbers. With the vast expansion of the Internet and email marketing, it simply requires greater numbers to get results today. It is not uncommon for some folks to get a couple hundred unsolicited emails a day that you must compete with. With the billions of emails circulating on a daily basis, you need massive numbers to get results. So, how many emails should you send out? Keep reading. Now let's talk about the "But." The biggest downside to email marketing is that new recruits are weak. Email marketing is notorious for having a revolving door with new recruits. Why? There is no relationship involved except for exchanging a few emails. Email marketing is very impersonal, and without the relationship, there is no bond (or glue) to hold the new recruit in your business. Many leave as quickly as they come. So how do you overcome this? With both of my colleagues whom I mentioned above, they are both fanatical about picking up the phone within a very brief time that the prospect visits their web site. One of the very first comments out of their mouth is "I wanted to give you a call and let you know there is a real person on the other end of the email." And it works! Picking up the phone, reaching out and touching them, and beginning to bond with the new prospect or recruit is vital. If you are not willing to pick up the phone, then email marketing isn't going to be worth it for you. One of email marketing's strengths is sorting through the prospects, then giving you someone to talk to. So, how many emails should you be sending out in order to get enough prospects to talk to so you can build your business? As many as you can. From my observation, 100,000 leads is minimum. Anything less will not produce results for you. If it is within your budget, 300,000 is a better number. For the "email marketing professional," maybe one million is a better number. Whatever the number, you must be committed to constant, consistent effort, followed up by a personal phone call. One final thought before we wrap this up. If you are going to involve yourself in email marketing, you must take the time and learn how to do it right. Understand that some people will complain about not wanting your emails, you will get undeliverable emails and blocked emails, and your autoresponder company may change their policies on you and you have to switch companies. But take the time to become a professional at what you do. In summary, is email marketing still effective for building your MLM business? Yes. You simply must increase the numbers of emails you are sending out. But, you must also understand that you must pick up the phone and reach out and touch your prospects and new recruits or you will lose them. It is still a viable option for those who want to use this as a means of growing their network marketing business. About the author: Rich Niccolls has been helping networkers with leads for over five years. For a list of email marketing friendly autoresponders and mass senders, visit his web site at: |
Run Profitable Contests Using Autoresponders
by: Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ |
Running a contest for your e-zine subscribers or web site visitors is one way you can generate interest and give more exposure for products or services you want to promote. A contest could be as simple as spotting a word or a set of words within an e-zine's issue or searching for a graphic on a site. A contest can run for one issue, or it can last for a month or more. If you plan to run a contest, make sure you have a "contest management response system" in place. This could be as simple as an automated e-mail receipt to let your participants know their entry has been received. Run a contest that asks your participants to send their responses to specific e-mail addresses. Then create an automated receipt confirmation for each account. Include a link to your products, affiliate links, or services in your confirmation receipt. Every time someone enters your contest and sends her entry, she receives a confirmation message. Thus, you've just exposed your products to your contestant. Encourage multiple entries and your contest participants get exposed to your promotional texts multiple times. Ok, what about contest prizes? If you publish an e-zine and you sell advertising space, you can give away free ad space to the winners. If you have your own product, or a product you have resell rights to, you can give away free copies of it to your winners. If you have a service, why not put that up as a prize? In any case, though, let your prospective contestants be interested in the prizes. Yes -- put the complete prize descriptions, along with the contest mechanics, on autoresponder too. And then include links where they can purchase the prizes. Hey, some people might not want to wait to win your contest! So it's good to cover all bases. Run a contest that lets autoresponders handle entries and confirmation receipts and you'll have a promotional tool that can bring in profits for you! About the author: Copyright (c) Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ Shery is the developer of creative, motivating and fun e-mail courses for writers. Sign up and take an e-mail course today -- free! -- at |
How To Find Deep Discount Pro Online Marketing Tools
by: Robert Decker |
You can't row a boat without an oar or build a house without a hammer. And, you can't build an online business without essential Internet marketing tools. Sadly, thousands try (unsuccessfully) everyday. Those who do use online tools are generally paying far too much for them because they haven't yet looked into the alternative. I'll tell you about that in a minute, but first... What's the most important online tool we all need? A website, of course. No brainer. How else would potential online customers find out if we have what they need? Next, we should at least have an autoresponder to help automate our marketing efforts and an ad tracker to keep track of which ads are pulling and which are a waste of time. These two are a "must have". Hold up a minute... Before we go any further, it's important to mention that I don't recommend using a complimentory autoresponder, ad tracker or any other no-cost marketing tool. You never really get something for nothing. We all understand that, right? Who, in their right mind, is going to "give" you a professional marketing tool without somehow extracting something from you in return? A crazy multi-millionaire? No-cost autoresponders, for example, usually have ads at the top of the message your responder sends out. Do you really want your potential customer to see someone else's ad on your promo message? A good autoresponder generally costs around $20 monthly and a decent ad tracker around $20 a month. That's $40 for only two essential online tools. There's no long a need to pay that much! Those who sell online tools at those prices will give all kinds of reasons why theirs are worth the high prices. And, maybe they are. If the product is good and the buyer is happy, I don't have a problem with them charging what the buyer will pay. That's capitalism at work. We once paid those prices. Now we don't. We found a better way. So, what is the alternative to paying high prices for online tools (without having to give up professional quality)? It's called "bundled services". This is when a company takes multiple products or services and bundles them into a neat package so that the consumer gets several services at a considerable lesser price than if they bought them separately. You've probably noticed the major telecommunications and TV cable companies bundling services over the past year. It's very effective. The consumer gets more for less and the companies sell more products and services. Both come out ahead. Warning... Look for an Internet marketing tools company that offers "solid" tools and not "fluff" or hype. Those that offer fluff are only interested in taking your money and giving you as little as possible. This increases their profits, but lightens your wallet and gives you little of substance in return. Fluff stuff can be things like: eCourse training (instead of "live" support), an eBook bonus that you can get anywhere for nothing, "insider secrets" reports, Etc. Things that are not workable tools at all. Solid tools are things like: an autoresponder & list manager, ad tracker, website hosting, URL rotator system, online conferencing system, "live" training & support, Etc. Workable tools and solid support that actually helps in building your business. Note: There is nothing inherently wrong with eCourse training, eBooks, special reports or other informational products (in their right place). Trying to pass them off as a substitute for solid online marketing tools is not the right place. The hallmark of a good online tools company (or any type of company) is one that operates on the "Golden Rule Principle". They give you more in product "use value" than what you pay. The products or services will actually be useful in building your business and the seller makes sure that you receive an abundance of them. This creates a happy and loyal customer who will tell their friends. The customer and seller both win. So do the friends. That's the way to run a business! How can you know when you've found such a company? Look at the product usefulness. Are the tools solid or fluff? Are you getting your money's worth or paying for hype? Are there any Internet marketing tool companies that operate on the Golden Rule Principle and have also bundled a useful arsenal of online tools at a really good price? Not many. There are a few. Only one or two are extraordinary in that they give an abundance of solid tools at a really low price. Do a Google search (or use your favorite search engine) and type in "Internet marketing tools". Now you know how to find and get the best online marketing tools deal for your online business. copyright © 2004 Robert Decker About the author: Robert and Mona Decker have been full-time home-biz networkers for nine years. Their current focus is matching online business builders with quality Internet marketing tools that fit their budget. |
Mix Infopublishing And Affiliate Marketing For Massive Profits
by: Kirsten Hawkins |
Believe it or not, finding a product to market is usually the least of your concerns. There are many ways to find a product. You can create your own information product, sell a service, or market other people’s products for a commission. While providing a service for people is good, it is often the most time-consuming of the three. For example, if you write resumes for people you only get paid if you work. But if you sell an already-made product, such as an information product or an affiliate product, after you are set-up you can set your website on autopilot and make sales with little work on your part. Let me be very clear: You will have to work. You must maintain, at an absolute minimum, your advertising. If you do not, your lead generating machine will dry up. You may decide to write your own information products. This is not as difficult as it sounds. You know something about something: What do you do for a career? What hobbies do you have? What do you like reading about? Correlate these ideas together, and out comes an ebook, an autoresponder course, or a special report! Your product does not have to be long, especially if it is a specialized product. For example, a well-written 5 page how-to article on grooming your dog could sell for $15-$20 dollars. Think about it: People are looking for your information because they do not want to go to the groomer’s (probably because they think it is overpriced). If they normally pay $40 per visit, and they visit once per month, they pay $480 yearly to the groomer. On the other hand, if they buy your information, even at $20, you will have saved them $460 (minus the cost of grooming equipment they will have to buy) and quite possibly gained a customer for life. You may choose, however, to market someone else’s product. This is called “affiliate marketing,” and is probably the most popular form of internet marketing. One caveat: Pick you product well, because some products, especially those sold by the “gurus,” are in over-saturated markets. You could be innovative and combine the two (infoproduct and affiliate marketing). Take the example of the how-to article on bathing and grooming your dog. You have provided your customer with a very well-written explanation of how they can save money by grooming their dog at home. Even though they have saved money, they still need grooming tools and equipment. You could research the various grooming tools, looking for best price and best value, and add one or two pages to your booklet recommending these. Add value to your business by setting yourself up as an affiliate for those products, and recommend your affiliate link in your booklet. Then, when your customers click on the link to buy the grooming tools, you make a commission. Congratulations! You just experienced multiple streams of income, as you were paid twice: once on the purchase of your infoproduct, and again on the purchase of the grooming tools you affiliated for. This is how to parlay your experiences into multiple streams of income online. About the author: Kirsten Hawkins is an online marketing specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit more great online marketing tips and webmaster resources. |
100,000 Subscribers In 30 Days?
by: Willie Crawford |
Two years ago, I sat in Joel Christopher's "Master List Builder Seminar" listening to ideas on how to build my list faster. The room was filled with seasoned on-line and off-line marketers. They all told us that the money was in the list... something we all knew intuitively. People in the room shared just about every method imaginable for building a list. They covered what worked, what didn't, and what you definitely should not do. They shared their personal experiences and the results of their latest list building tests. A few of the speakers had tremendous impact on me. One was Paul Myers, whom I previously knew primarily from on-line discussion forums. I had also enjoyed several LONG phone calls with him. The other speaker whose message intrigued me was Frank Garon. Frank spoke of buying lists of new subscribers for less than a penny a name. He spoke of something called "co-registration." Terry Dean also validated for me the impact writing good ezine articles can have at that seminar. Frank Garon REVEALED that he and other top marketers regularly joined together and bought batches of tens of thousands.... maybe 100,000 names. These names were gathered via on-line forms placed on high traffic websites. The forms offered more information on the types of products and services that Frank and his friends offered. The websites' visitors checked this box requesting more information, and these names (along with datestamp, IP address and other relevant information) was passed to the opt-in name purchasers. As I listened to this talk of building a list of 100,000 in a month or less, I wondered, if it's so great, why isn't everyone doing it? The answer that later became clear is that many of the top marketers ARE doing it. It's not their only method of building a list, but it's definitely one of their most profitable. The next question that popped into my tiny mind was, "Are these really subscribers or will I be accused of spamming if I send emails to these people?" These people do actually opt-in to receive more information about starting an on-line business. They do physically check a box requesting more information be sent to them. That does technically make them opt-ins. Later, my coaches and mentors would share with me many SECRETS. One was that when you have access to one of these list, it's all about return on investment. We all know that names purchased via co-opt systems are less responsive. They are less responsive because the subscribers don't know you - they don't have a relationship with you. These mentors went on to share that there was a proper way to legitimately turn these opt-in "LEADS" into subscribers. The method is very simple. In your first, and every email to them, you remind them that they requested more information of this type through an on-line form. It doesn't hurt to include the date, IP address and email address they subscribed from. Then you go on to share some fantastic information with them... maybe in the form of your ezine. In every contact with these purchased names you also include an easy method for them to unsubscribe. If you provide genuine value, over time, you will build a relationship with many of these leads. Many will unsubscribe, but again - the important metric is return on investment. that's what you need to track. If you start out with 100,000 names but 6 months later that list has dwindled down to 10,000 or maybe even 1000, what is the lifetime value of those list members remaining? That's the question you need to ask. You answer that largely based upon what you currently earn for each subscriber on your list. Another concept that sank into my head at Joel's workshop was the concept of building sub-lists. These are lists that are kept separated based upon the source. This allows you to send emails/offers to your lists based upon list demographics or how they were acquired. I now have many sub-lists. These sub-lists are from articles I written, teleseminars I conducted, interviews I given, course I've authored, website forms, joint ventures, and co-registration purchases. Each list is generally set up as an autoresponder that I can send select messages to. My autoresponder system allows me to send out an unlimited number of both scheduled and unscheduled messages. The primary system I use cost me $19 per month for an unlimited number of autoresponders with an unlimited number of messages. I can pre-schedule message for up to 24 months. This fantastic autoresponder deal is vailable through does have very strict policies on how these autoresponders can be used to prevent spam accusation problems! There is also a limit on the number of new names you can import at a time. For that reason, I recommend that when dealing with co-registration emails you use the autoresponders at: I also recommend that with co-registration names you not email to them too often. I send them a few emails, spaced over several months. In those emails, I provide information of genuine value... on the topic of building an on-line business AND I invite them to join my regular ezine list. In each email, I inform them of how and why they are getting the email AND provide a convenient unsubscribe link. Over the years, I've spent many thousands of dollars on co-registration lists. The quality has varied. The best deal I have discovered is through the "Nitro Guys." They can deliver 100,000 names in 30 days. If you want less, they have an "auto-ship plan" where they send you 25,000 names a month. These names are in CVS format which mean you can import them directly into many list management and autoresponder systems. Some systems, including, mentioned above, do limit the number of names you can import at a time... so read the terms of service before signing up. I mentioned the "Nitro Guys. I was attracted to them by the following intriguing headline: "Ever Wonder How Top Marketers Get Thousands Of Subscribers On Their Lists While Everyone Else Struggles To Just Get A Couple Hundred?" I clicked through to their site to complete the education I had started at Joel Christopher's workshop… They taught me all about the system a lot of top marketers use to build their lists fast. Their service provides me with a great return on investment. That's what keeps me going back. For more on their services visit: There are no real magic bullets. I've found the names purchased through co-registration services much less responsive than the names acquired from visitors to my website. However, I have grown to consider opt-in co-registration names to be a vital part of my marketing mix. Maybe you will too? Give it some thought. And now… you know one of the secrets to building a mailing list of 100,000 in 30 days. About the author: Willie Crawford is a corporate president, published author, seminar speaker and host, tele-seminar speaker and host, retired military officer, karate black belt, master network marketing trainer, and lifetime student of marketing. He shows people how to actually generate substantial income on-line using very simple, easily modeled systems. An example of such a system that you can study and duplicate is at: |
Profiting from Articles - A Step-by-step Guide
by: Rudi Ashdown |
"Content is King" - that's a given, there's no debate. But how do you get content? Like most projects, breaking into bite-size, easily digestable chunks makes the process realistically achievable. By creating articles, you build and develop that content. So how do you profit from articles? I, personally, find the best way to approach the 'process' of making mony from articles is to work backwards! That is, to determine what your ultimate goal is and then figure out each preceeding step that leads to it. Example: Ultimate goal - sell an ebook preceeding step - subscriber reads recommendation in 5-part mini series preceeding step - article reader visits name squeeze page and signs up for mini series preceeding step - prosepct reads your article on someone elses website/blog/ezine preceeding step - publisher picks up your article from directory preceeding step - article submitted to directory preceeding step - you produce article And try to keep a single focus for each step. For example, you want people to sign up for the mini series -- then the email capture/name squeeze page should only give them that option! Don't put tons of other links on that webpage which would give the visitor alternatives to signing up for the mini series. Keep it tightly focused -- keep the objective in mind. So the tasks would be (for the above example), in this order: 1] Create the ebook - research and write - or outsource it through,, etc. - your product to make money on. If you're not sure of how to write an ebook, just write it in MSWord or your wp of choice and convert it to a .pdf document with a password protection. Upload that to your web server. 2] Create a single webpage introducing, recommending and soliciting orders for your ebook. Include a PayPal, StormPay or some other shopping cart link to order the book. 3] Write 5 short emails as a mini series (which include a link to your ebook order page) and put them into an autoresponder. 4] Create the single webpage with a compelling copy for why the visitor should sign up for your 5-part mini series and include the webform which links to your autoresponder. 5] Having got those 3 things above in place, now you need to write the article(s) that include a link in the resource box to your name capture webpage. 6] Finally, use 'article submission software' to submit your article to the directories (see resource box for link). Important note: You do NOT need big, flashy, complex websites to profit from articles! A simple compelling page that directs them to an autoresponder. From the email messages in the a/r, you can send them to a simple order page for your own ebook or you can send them to an affiliate product page. Bottom line - Keep it simple! If you're sending them straight to an affiliate page (I think capturing their email first is better but I include this as an option) from the article resource box, you won't need to do step 1, 2, 3 or 4 above. If you're sending the reader to an affiliate page after capturing their email, miss out step 1 and 2. Step 3 could be a 5-part mini series, or you might just want to send them to an ezine you publish (which recommends your affiliate product) or send them to another great article (or part 2 of the article) stored in an autoresponder. But you'll need to give them some reason for them to give you their email address! Articles are a very powerful method of attracting visitors to a webpage and ultimately to generating 'sales'. Readers of your article have already established a 'know, like and trust' relationship with you and are therefore much more predisposed to buying from you. They are the ultimate targetted traffic - and therefore the most profitable visitor! Get your articles out there and let them silently, effortlessly do their work. About the author: Article written by Rudi Ashdown and first posted at To learn more about profiting from this article, go to |
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